Employee Charity Form

We Make It Better


Part of the “We Make It Better” purpose statement is to make it better for our community. As a course of doing business, the corporate enterprise will annually donate more than a half million dollars to qualifying nonprofit organizations (501c3), tax-exempt Government entities and other community members in need. Employees, as well as customers, are encouraged to give their time, talent and/or treasure to positively impact our communities, as a whole.

As such, at its discretion*, the corporate enterprise allows its employees to participate in Charity Time Off and Employee Match opportunities as detailed below.

If you have any questions, you can email Stacey Names at stacey.names@powertestdyno.com.

* The companies may decline requests at its discretion, primarily if the nonprofit’s mission does not align with Power Test’s core values. Approval criteria (in order of weighting) for nonprofits are: Faith; Workforce Development; Local Community (employee and physical company building location); Human Dignity (Hunger, Poverty, Wellness (Mind, Body, Spirit).

Please fill out the form below:

Employees who have demonstrated expected levels of job performance are eligible for paid time off to share their time and talent. Regular full-time and part-time employees are allowed up to one day (or two half-days) of paid time per calendar year. Part-time employees’ time is pro-rated.

Interested employees should meet with their managers to discuss the nonprofit organization and activity of choice to schedule and receive approval.  

Please Note:

  • Unused paid Charitable Time Off hours will not be carried over into the new calendar year, transferred to other team members, or paid out.

Employees may take advantage of charitable match opportunities detailed below:

  • 501c3 Nonprofit Organizations and Tax-Exempt Government Entities (i.e. Village of Sussex)
  • Tithe Match via National Christian Foundation (NCF)/Power Test Charitable Fund
    • NCF provides approval or disapproval of the request.

Please Note:

  • Donations may only be matched if they are tax deductible and from which you have zero expectation to receive something in return (auctions, 50/50 raffle, membership dues, meals, etc.).
  • Each employee is eligible to match up to $2500 annually.

If the nonprofit organization of your choice is not on the online form, please provide the nonprofit name and website on the online form for approval. 

Registration fees to participate in corporate enterprise sponsored Run/Walks or other similar activities that incorporate charitable giving and employee wellness are reimbursed for employees and one guest. Registration for such events will be coordinated by a Run/Walk sponsor and will be advertised throughout the corporate enterprise.

Registration fees for similar events, that are not promoted by the corporate enterprise, will be reimbursed for the employee only.  Submit your reimbursement as an employee match.