Making the
Impossible Possible

SuperFlow made its name in the performance industry after introducing the first production flowbench, the SF-110, in 1972. We didn‘t stop there, by the early 1980‘s we had designed the first computerized engine dynamometer followed shortly by WinDyn, the first Windows based dyno software in the early 90‘s. In the late 1990‘s we amazed the chassis dynamometer market with automotive and motorcycle chassis dynos featuring revolutionary designs that have yet to be rivaled.

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Featured Product
Transmission Dynamometer

Axiline 85000

The Axiline 85000 Automotive Transmission Test Stand is a DT-12 transmission capable, an auto/manual-shift dynamometer for light and heavy-duty truck transmissions.  It uses a 40 […]



Explore the dynamometers, flowbenches and engineered testing solutions that SuperFlow offers.



Browse our products by industries served. In many cases we offer several products and solutions across multiple departments.


Dynamometer Water Quality Matters

Water Quality Is Crucial to Longevity The quality of the water used in a dynamometer affects absorber and water pump operation. Contamination, salt water, or […]

Unbeatable Performance

Engine Dynamometers

SuperFlow manufactures water brake, eddy current and AC engine dynamometers for performance and industrial applications. SuperFlow engine dynos test gasoline, diesel and CNG engines and several of our water brake dynos are used for AC motor testing. We frequently provide custom engineered engine dynamometer solutions for unique test requirements.

Chassis Dynamometers

SuperFlow offers a complete line of chassis dynamometers for everything from performance tuning to pre-emissions, mileage accumulation and heavy-duty truck testing. Unique features like true all-wheel-drive speed synchronization and trunnion mounted differentials allow our dynos to give you increased load capacity and test duration across the entire operating range.


The product that started it all for SuperFlow, a simple device to measure and quantify the amount of air flow through cylinder head runners and intake manifolds. In the 1970s the goal was to win Formula V races, a hobby of SuperFlow’s founder. Today, SuperFlow produces a series of air flow test benches used for things like increasing engine performance and fuel economy.


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